It’s that time of year again. Time to make some changes, set some new rules, quit unhealthy habits, save money, manage time better, get organized…. sound familiar? Many of us will admit that we “made” new year’s resolutions, but research shows that less than 10% of us are successful in our quest. In fact, many are abandoned by Jan 31st.
The truth is, making changes are hard, and especially difficult when facing the chosen challenge alone.
The most popular resolutions are:
Diet/Eat Healthier
Exercise More
Lose weight
Save more/Spend Less
New hobby
Quit Smoking/Drinking
Read More
Find new job
Spend more time with family
New Home or remodel
Okay, maybe the last one isn’t “popular”, but if you’re still looking for a resolution for 2020, why not?! Are any of these on your list? Have you set a plan in place to be successful? Is your environment adequate for success? Do you have support from family/friends? How about support within your community? I look at this list and can’t help but think of all the great, family owned local businesses in the Springfield area that can help in achieving all these.
The members of Local First Springfield are ready to support you and your resolution goals. Visit the member directory to find locally owned businesses that will help make your resolution a reality.
Think Local, Buy Local, Resolve Local.